There are 8 soldiers from Cheshire here.

F ASBURYLance Corporal P/8200
F Asbury
East 1. 7.
From Cheshire Virtual
22nd May 1917
William BEECHPrivate 119649
William Beech
New Ground. 32. 439.
From Cheshire Virtual
27th May 1920
Reginald William COOMERPrivate 61209
Reginald William Coomer
New Ground. 15. 612.
From Cheshire Virtual
4th September 1920
Arthur Thomas DAVIESAir Mechanic 2nd Class 97951
Arthur Thomas Davies
Old Ground. 8. 83.
From Alsager
18th March 1918
John HANAHOEMarine CH/X106139
John Hanahoe
N.E. of church.
From Cheshire Virtual
15th July 1945
B J MARKLEWPrivate 3/5607
B J Marklew
Spec. Memorial.
From Cheshire Virtual
10th October 1919
Mellard SETTLECaptain
Mellard Settle
New Ground. 8. 682.
From Alsager
23rd December 1918
Richard Shiel WOODCOCKLance Corporal 14429703
Richard Shiel Woodcock
North of Church
From Alsager
27th July 1944