James's Story.
Birkenhead News 07 April 1917BIRKENHEAD MEMBER OF THE R.N.D.
Dies of Wounds.
Mrs. Hodgkinson, of 12, Lorne Street, has received news of the death from wounds of her husband, Petty Officer James Hodgkinson, of the Royal Naval Division. He was wounded on February 4th last, and it appears he succumbed the same day. P.O. Hodgkinson was for about ten years in the employ of Messrs. Alfred Holt, and at the time of enlisting in the R.N.D. was a Quartermaster on one of their ships. He was highly respected by all his shipmates, as well as his comrades in the Naval Division.
The above extract from the newspaper reports James’ surname as Hodgkinson, however the correct surname is Hodkinson as per birth and census records.