John's Story.
Birkenhead News 20 February 1915
Birkenhead Guardsman Killed
Former Railway Employee
It is with much regret that we announce the death of Pte. John Roberts, of 49, New Lowther Street, who was killed in action in the recent fighting near Bethune. The gallant fellow was a Reservist in the Grenadier Guards and on the outbreak of hostilities he was called up. He was stationed in London with the 2nd Battalion until early in November when he was drafted with his regiment to the front. He took part in the battles of Ypres and La Bassee, and in a letter to his wife, referring to the last-named battle, he said :- “We have been having some heavy fighting recently and the water in our trenches comes up to our waists.” On February 4th the Grenadiers made a dashing bayonet charge and it was on this day that Pte. Roberts was killed. He leaves a widow and three young children to mourn his loss. In all his letters home Pte. Roberts appeared very cheerful considering the hardships he had been suffering.
This was the second war in which he had taken an active part. He went through the fighting in China (Boxer revolt) several years ago when he received a bullet wound in his leg. When at home Mr. Roberts was employed on the railway, and his co-workmen will deplore the loss of so cheery and warm-hearted a comrade as he always was.