Rank: Private
Service Number:27806.
Regiment: 8th Bn. Cheshire Regiment
Killed In Action Thursday 1st February 1917
Age Unknown
County Memorial Stockport
Commemorated\Buried Basra Memorial
Grave\Panel Ref: Panel 14 and 62.

George's Story.

Nothing is known for certain about George's life. Regimental records indicate he was born in Stockport and enlisted in the town and his service number suggests this was between May and July 1915.All of his active military service is likely to have been in Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq). On 1 February 1917, the Battalion was to the east of the city of Kut-al-Amara, near the joining of the River Hai and River Tigris. The Battalion's War Diary states that, at 5am, they moved up to a new line of trenches and assaulted the Turkish Salient at 9.49, after a heavy bombardment. They captured the Turkish front line without much difficulty and pressed on, across the Salient, to the support trenches. They worked their way along the trench system, to right and left, clearing the way with grenades. They found about 50 dead Turks and another 165 came in and surrendered. The Diary notes that "More would have come in but were taken for a counter attack and fired on by another unit". By 10.06, the Cheshire’s had secured their objectives and the work of consolidating the position began. George and Edward Hulme were two of the nineteen Cheshire’s who had been killed.

Cheshire County Memorial Project would like to thank John Hartley for this informationon George.