Samuel's Story.
Birkenhead News 18 September 1915CORPL. S. MADDOCKS KILLED
In the Hooge Fighting.
Official information has been received by Mrs. Maddocks, of 54, Clarendon Street, Birkenhead, of the death in action of her husband, Corpl. S. Maddocks, of the 1st Batt. Royal Scots Fusiliers. Deceased was an ex-soldier. Soon after war broke out he rejoined his old regiment, and was drafted out to France in December. He took part in some of the heavy fighting, and was killed at Hooge on June 16th. Before the war he was a commissionaire at Clover and Clayton’s shipyard. He was very well liked by all who knew him.
Although the newspaper article reproduced above reports Samuel’s last name as Maddocks, it is actually Maddock as per military and civilian records.