Rank: Private
Service Number:8899.
Regiment: 1st Bn Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Killed In Action Monday 14th May 1917
Age Unknown
County Memorial Chester
Commemorated\Buried Arras Memorial
Grave\Panel Ref: N/A

William's Story.

William was born in Chester on the 18th September 1897. He lived with his father Thomas, a baker, and his mother Ellen at 29 Gladstone Street, Chester. He had 6 sisters, Eliza, Mary, Agnes, Selina, Margaret & Edith. He married Rosetta Cotgrieve at Chester Registry Office on the 20th December 1912. They set up home at 8 Piper's Ash, Chester. They had 3 sons, Eric Geoffrey, James Reginald & Thomas William. He worked for the Great Western Railway Company.
  William enlisted in Chester in 1905, originally into the Special Reserve. He was transferred to the Reserve on the 6th June 1912. He was mobilised on the 5th August 1914. He entered France on the 2nd November 1914. He was killed in action on the 14th May 1917, during the Battle of Bullecourt. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Arras Memorial, Pas DE Calais, France. Bay 6.
  One of his officers said to his widow:
  "You have cause to be proud of your husband, as he was one of the bravest of men. He saw me in difficulties with the Boche and came to my aid several times. The result was that he was killed. After he was shot he did not say a word. I did all I could for him, but he must have passed away at once."

 The Battalion war diary for that day:

  3am. B & D Companies attacked at 2.10am

 3.20am. Message received from Officer Commanding B Company that the attack had failed.
   B & D Companies were ordered to re-organise for a further attack. This attack also failed but posts were established at B27, & B30 facing Crucifix.
 6.10am. Orders to attack by "A" & C Companies issued, under Stokes Mortar bombardment.
  B & D Companies were ordered to barrage the Crucifix with rifle grenades.
  10am.  News received that attack had failed. Many casualties and remainder were dug in. Bombs urgently required. These were sent up.
  3pm. News received to discontinue attack as the 20th Manchesters would carry out a further attack. 

 Researcher:  Darryl Porrino