William's Story.
Died from Gas Poisoning.
Gunner William Cartwright.
Mrs Cartwright, 31, Station View, Nantwich, has been informed that her son Gunner William Cartwright Royal Field Artillery, has died from the effects of gas poisoning. The chaplain wrote informing her that he had been removed to hospital, suffering from gas poisoning and in a subsequent letter said.
“It is with great regret that I have to inform you that your boy passed away within a few hours after I wrote my last letter. He was very ill and although everything was done for him, he became weaker and lost consciousness and died quite peacefully. Please accept my sincere sympathy in your great sorrow he died nobly and gave his life for his country.”
The Second Lieutenant of his section wrote offering his sympathy, and in explaining how Gunner Cartwright met his death said.
“The battery had been in action pending an attack by our infantry, your son had just managed to snatch a few hours’ sleep when a bombardment with gas shells occurred. One of them penetrated a dugout occupied by him and some others. Unfortunately, he had mislaid his gas mask. Everything that could possibly be done for him was carried out by the medical orderly and he was sent down to the casualty clearing station as soon as possible. The funeral was attended by an Officer's party. Since joining the battery on June 28 last year your son had done very good work, and had shown excellent devotion to duty, and will be much missed by all his comrades.”
A letter of sympathy was received from the captain who said that it would be some little consolation for Mrs. Cartwright to know that her son was a good soldier, and well liked in the battery where he would be greatly missed.
Gunner William Cartwright who was 23 years of age joined the army two years last Whitsuntide, along with six other companions. Before the war he was in the service of Mr Henry Tollemache, as footman. In February 1916 he was invalided home from the front, Gunner Cartwright has a brother also serving in the army
Nantwich Guardian. Friday, August 31, 1917.