There are 950 soldiers from Cheshire here.

Arthur CITRINEPrivate 2933
Arthur Citrine
Panel 4 and 6.
From Wallasey
22nd December 1914
Christopher Clare
From Middlewich
7th June 1917
Harry CLAREPrivate 34664
Harry Clare
Panel 19 - 22.
From Stockport
7th August 1917
Harold CLARKEPrivate 290706
Harold Clarke
Panel 19 - 22.
From Astbury
1st August 1917
Thomas CLARKESergeant 72973
Thomas Clarke
Panel 56.
From Stockport
31st July 1917
Ernest CLARKELance Serjeant 265612
Ernest Clarke
Panel 19 - 22.
From Stockport
31st July 1917
Alfred James CLARKELance Corporal 240483
Alfred James Clarke
Panel 4 and 6.
From Wallasey
11th May 1917
James CLARKEPrivate 11938
James Clarke
Panel 19 - 22.
From Cheshire Virtual
31st July 1917
JOHN CLASSONRifleman 4767
John Classon
31st October 1914
William CLAYTONPrivate 10375
William Clayton
Panel 19 - 22.
From Cheshire Virtual
8th May 1915
John CLEARYPrivate 8840
John Cleary
Panel 44 and 46.
From Cheshire Virtual
26th April 1915
Harry CLEGGPrivate 265742
Harry Clegg
From Stockport
31st July 1917
John Charles CLOSE-BROOKSLieutenant
John Charles Close-brooks
Panel 3
From Prestbury
30th October 1914
Robert CLOUGHPrivate 16880
Robert Clough
Panel 47 and 49.
From Wallasey
9th August 1915
George Wallace COATESPrivate 3223
George Wallace Coates
Panel 4 and 6.
From Wallasey
16th June 1915
Frederick Cocroft
Panel 18-28-30.
From Cheshire Virtual
24th April 1915
Arthur Coffin
From Crewe
24th September 1917
Matthew Hutchinson COLECorporal 356267
Matthew Hutchinson Cole
Panel 4 and 6.
From Wallasey
31st July 1917
George COLEMANLance Corporal 3221
George Coleman
Panel 4 and 6.
From Wallasey
16th June 1915
Walter Sidney COLEMANPrivate 350016
Walter Sidney Coleman
Panel 4 and 6.
From Crewe
2nd August 1917
Frank COLLINSPrivate 10816
Frank Collins
Panel 19 - 22.
From Altrincham
27th May 1915
John William COLLINSPrivate 7730
John William Collins
Panel 11.
From Cheshire Police Headquarters Memorial
29th October 1914
William COLMANPrivate 14320
William Colman
Panel 19 - 22.
From Stockport
7th June 1917
Sydney COLTHORPEPrivate 14489
Sydney Colthorpe
Panel 37.
From Sale
25th September 1915
Michael Comboy
Panel 19 - 22
From Northwich
14th November 1914
Edward CONNOLLYPrivate 27158
Edward Connolly
From Macclesfield
27th April 1915
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Menenstraat, 8900 Ieper, Belgium